Friday, November 8, 2019

JAVA and LIZARD BRAIN Ver2.0 | this is not an Ultimate guide

Coding is a big headache and you still dream about becoming the best coder out there, please read further. Coding is a language that only few people understand, you need to make the machine understand the problem and solve it which makes you the best coder among your friends or in the company that you spend 10 hrs daily. When I started to learn about coding, I heard this " Eat java, sleep java and Pray Java" And many of us missed the train , wasting the time and money to learn coding but never succeeded.

Every coder faces that obstacle in the early stage of coding ( within 6 months of learning to code) you will be able to understand but not able to crack the interview process. It may seem difficult to work on different technology when your interest is in other coding language. Most coders have this lizard brain and all of us actually have this Lizard thinking at different stages of life. what seems to be difficult would become easy as time goes on. You wanted to drink the ocean with your knowledge cup and get the money in the bank, which is not possible in the first few years of coding.

The problem with coding is that you fail because you don't go with the step by step process. I missed the train because of jumping the process and skipping the basics. I don't know the basics of Java but wanted to code in android which doesn't work. After graduation , we must not rush into learning too stuffs too fast. If you ask opinion from 100 people who learnt JAVA, each one has their opinion because it worked for them. They won't suggest something that works for you, because you have to figure out and only YOU!

Another mistake coders make is copying other people's code. you can't create something from scratch that's okay. Use Github  or stackoverflow but do understand the meaning of  each line, don't just copy. some lines of code would be interesting and you can replicate in other projects as well, that's totally fine but when you copy and do when you don;t want to do or due to time constraint then you fail like I did.

software technologies are money driven and the first search before writing this article was " How much is a digital marketer paid in California?"  We want to switch technologies for a higher pay and that shouldn't be the goal. It takes a lot of time to climb up the ladder and if you don't understand the complete process or if you don't make the things look easier to you then you are ready to quit and start over from scratch.

Find the motivation to code, find the need to code and stop coding when you don't want to !

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